from the life of megheb


first of many ramblings...

Hey guys. So I've really enjoyed looking at all your guys' blogs. I've loved reading about all of your east coast happenings. And I'm not gonna lie, I like it out here and it's a really good experience, but man do I miss my family! You guys are seriously my best friends and really seem to get me, even when I don't get myself... which is basically all the time. Um, I don't really know who's gonna read this- but it's supposed to be addressed to all my family... just so you know.

Anyway, like i said, I LOVE reading your blogs- it makes me feel like I'm there, hearing Noah's first words or taking lemons from Toby =]. But then I thought, hey... maybe they'd want to hear about me. Not that my life is all that interesting, but I figured it'd be good to let you know the dealio. (Ok, whoever watches The Office, that reminded me of a quote.
Michael: Yesterday I was scraping some gunk off my wall sockets with a metal fork, and I gave myself the nastiest shock. And when I came to, I had an epiphery. Life is precious. And if I die, I want my … son … to know the dealio. The dealio of life.) I'm basically obsessed with that show. I look so forward to Thursday nights- it really helps me through my week. So, if you're gonna read this, get used to the constant office reference. (did anyone catch the title/header?)

I hope you're not going into reading this blog thinking, "I want to read meg's elegant writing." Or even if you're thinking that you'll be reading something coherent. Because you're not gonna get it. I'm a pretty random person, and I may be opening a can of worms by saying this (I don't know how many Tom Cruise's are reading this), but I think I'm ADD. But, if you can put up with the many tangents, maybe I'll throw in something you'll find interesting. I guess we'll see where this goes.

I love you guys. Keep in touch, and keep it real.


Blogger Jessica said...

finally! i am so excited about your blog and i hope that you're able to keep it updated!

November 10, 2007 at 8:00 AM  

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